Friday, October 9, 2015


Hello friends, Welcome to my blog!! Today am posting something that I wanted to share with you all for a long time - fabric painting on a T shirt.  This is the first time am into fabric painting. I bought a plain T shirt from Michaels last year and totally forgot about it. Three months back when I was cleaning my wardrobe found it and finally decided to paint it .

I love warli printed dresses so decided to do warli painting on this T shirt.

Initially I washed the cotton T shirt and ironed it .  Then measured the center of the shirt using an inch tape. I drew the circle using a compass and fabric markers. I fitted the area to be painted inside a frame and started to paint.
I have used Tulip soft Fabric paint and 00 brush. All the designs are hand-drawn. I didnt use any stencil. 

In a similar way I made the neck design too.

I thought of using this T shirt for my vacation but after finishing I loved it so much that I wanted to wear it on my birthday. I also made a matching pair of  quilled jhumka.

Fabric painting is a relaxing hobby and it gives happiness to wear hand painted dress. So if you are new to fabric painting I hope these tips will useful to you.

1. Use fabrics that are 100% cotton and tightly oven. In michaels you get T shirts specially designed for fabric painting.
2. Pre - wash your fabric to remove the starch.
3. Iron the fabric and spread it on a large table.
4. Have the design ready on a paper before proceeding to draw on a fabric.
5. Depending on the type of finish you want you can select the type of Fabric paint. There are puffy, matte and soft finish available. I have used soft fabric paint in this project.
6. Instead of stretching the fabric by clipping it on a cardboard I prefer attaching the area to be painted on a embroidery frame as they hold and stretch it tightly enabling us to work conveniently.
7.Mark the center of the fabric before drawing .
8.Use fabric pencils instead of normal pencils so that the marking can be easily erased .
9. Do not use water except for wetting the brush.
10.Reverse iron the fabric after allowing it to dry for 48 hours.

Happy Painting!!

1 comment:

  1. Its Beautiful ,I loved the neatness in painting those little warli figures .Thanks for the tips :)
    I too love warli painting and have one khadi top with it !
